WOAH. This week was crazy. First, I have to tell you the
best and most exciting news of all, which begins with sleep talking. This will
be a bit of a spoiler, for future news, but my new companion was telling me
that I´ve been talking in my sleep the last two nights or so, and when I asked
her what I had said, IT WAS IN SPANISH! I´m so full of Spanish that it even
leaks out when I´m sleeping. THAT´S what´s up. :) I think that´s one of the
proudest moments of my mission. I mean, I´ve been dreaming in Spanish since the
MTC, I think, but sleep-talking? That´s a new level of awesome.
Third. I suppose this is third and fourth. Third would be
something that is actually old news, but I can´t remember if I told you all it
or not, and that is that throughout the world, missions now have sister
leaders. They´re somewhere between Zone leader and AP status and it´s
completely ridiculous. Fourth would be that I am now one of those ridiculouses.
Oops. haha. I´ve actually known I would be one for a while; President was
chatting with me one or two changes ago and made an offhand remark about how he
wanted me to be able to train other missionaries on a large scale (which is
what these leader things do), but that he didn´t know how to work it out
because he needs me as the nurse. The solution in my head was that I train a
new nurse and get to move on to happy days without doing nursing stuff.
President´s decision was a little more creative. To create a new breed of
missionary called the Bayles who does everything all in one. Sneaky, right? So,
I´m still the nurse, but I´m also one of four sister leaders in the mission.
Also, I am officially the Gringa with the most time in the mission. Are we
freaking out yet? Anyway, that means that I get to call all of the sisters
throughout the week and see how they´re doing and help them out and stuff. I
also go on divisions throughout the northwest part of our mission (the other
sisters are working in the south part) with all them sister folk. Anyway,
surprise. It´s what´s up.
So I guess that leads to my other bit of news, which is that
I had cambios and am now in Los Castaños (still in San Pedro), which is kind of
fun, because it is where I spent my very first night in the mission and there´s
a good chance that it´s where I´ll finish the mission. I guess we´ll see about
that. Also, Eileen, the Bishop´s wife is one of the sisters you met a year ago
in the temple. Also, hermano Romero, the one we ate dinner with, just came into
the office and we chatted. He sends saludos and says he hopes you are well and
happy. You´re pretty much a super star here. That whole family talks about you
all the time. They always say you´re really beautiful and kind and loving and
that you´re very elegant (which has several meanings here; the most common are:
tall, white, beautiful, or elegant).
My final news is that every single companionship of
missionaries that I´m over (the sisters, of course) has at least one person
sick, and my phone has been ringing non-stop. haha. We got another dog bite,
and it´s just about the worst one I´ve seen yet. I¨d send you the pictures, but
I think that´s a HIPAA violation, and even though HIPAA doesn´t exist here, my
mission blog was created in the states, so when you all post this email, it
will officially become a HIPAA violation. Weird, I know.
My new house has a pet lizard... ok, giant tropical orange
and green and grey iguana. It lives behind our pila where we wash our clothes
and comes out during the day to soak up some rays. He totally loves me. He
never comes out for the other sisters. Apparently I´m still an animal
I can tell that Christmas is getting closer because
Hondurans are so crazy and they get even crazier about Christmas. Fireworks and
firecrackers and ¨fireworks¨ (they´re actually small bombs) go off every little
while throughout the day and people run around crazy eating tamales. I love
hondurans so much. They are such a joyful (and slightly crazy) people. I really
just love them.
Thanks so much for the emails
. Sounds like things are going well for you and that the family is cute as always. Thanks so much for the quotes. I will share one with you from Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis. I´ve never actually read it, but a friend gave me this quote and I¨ve kind of made it my life recently. It reminds of one of my new favorite scriptures, in Matt 16:25 For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.¨¨ This has become my life. It´s who I am. Maren ended on the 5 of December 2012, and I´m positive she´ll never quite come back. There´s someone new and different in her spot who wears two names: one for where she comes from and one for who she is. Bayles is where she started, and representative of Jesus Christ is where she´s ending up. Anyway, here´s the quote:
Christ says ‘Give me All. I don’t want so much of your time and
so much of your money and so much of your work: I want You. I have not come to
torment your natural self, but to kill it. No half-measures are any good. I
don’t want to cut off a branch here and a branch there, I want to have the
whole tree down. I don’t want to drill the tooth, or crown it, or stop it, but
to have it out. Hand over the natural self, all the desires which you think
innocent as well as the ones you think wicked – the whole outfit. I will give
you a new self instead. In fact, I will give you Myself: my own will shall
become yours.’
I got the packages today. Still haven´t opened them, but
we´´ll see what´s up. Here they celebrate more on the 24 than the 25, so we´ll
be wokring normally until about 6 at night, when we´ll enter the house and hide
from all of the crazy Hondurans with their fireworks hahahaha. the 25 everyone
just sleeps, so I think we´ll be doing something different. We are having
Christmas parties with the President and Sister Dester this week, so that
should be fun. :) Aside form that, Christmas is just a normal day. :) That´s cool
taht you invited people to the Christmas pageant. You´re right in that the key
to missionary work is diligence. Sometimes I feel like the most pushy
bothersome person in the world, but in the end they love it. I was reading in
Jacob 5 the other day about how the Lord waited until a tree had shown forth
good fruits to nourish it and help it along iits way. I was thinking about how
we have to do the same here. Some of the missionaries try to force poeple into
the church, but the truth of the matter is that this gospel is such a blessing
and treasure that those who are prepared to receive it will show forth fruits,
and that´s when we really begin to push and noursih them. Man, I love being a
missionary. Wepll for sure talk this Christmas. I don´t know what I´ll have to
tell you, but I guess we´ll see.
Anyway, I love you all ooooooodly dooooooodlies and I hope
you´re having a great week full of love and candy.
Also, a belated birthday wish to Greg, Kristen, Andrea, and
Max as well as an early birthday wish for Heidi and my friend Holli C.
Felicidades! Love yáll!
The Bayles.
p.s. the picture of me being all wet goes with a story. My
comp never carries an umbrella, and it began to rain like a quetzal in flight
(side note: the quetzal is the national bird of Guatemala, but there are more
quetzals on CocaCola mountain here in SPS than in all of Guatemala combined),
so we were sharing the umbrella. We arrived back at the apartment after walking
through water up to our knees and rain up to our noses and the other sisters we
lived with asked, ¨ay hermanas! ¿Que pasó? No tuvieron paragua?!¨ and I took
one look at them and said, ¨oh no, we had an umbrella... imagine how we would
have turned out if we had left it at home!¨ hahahaha I don´t know if that
translates to be funny, but it was hilarious in Spanish. You can see that the
only dry spot was were my mochila was haha. Taht´s what we call soaked.
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