I live here |
Dear Famlings,
New recliner, eh? Lauren´s picture told me. haha I dig it. :) You should put the old one on the back porch so I can Honduras it up when I get home hahahahahahaha.
Welp, this week has been crazy crazy crazy (no surprises
there, eh? jejeje). The elder who had his appendix removed is doing better, but
we´ve had to work with him on a couple of things, and this week we had to send
another sister home. She broke her ankle doing... well I´m not sure exactly
what, but it´s broken. The bad thing is she has to go home. The good thing is
she only had 7 weeks left anyway and this way she´ll be home for Christmas.
Cheers for conveniently timed inconveniences. haha. The only really hard thing
is that I was in divisions in La Victoria of Fesitrahn when all this happened, so
I had to set everything up from outside of SPS. My new calling makes both of my
old (and still active) callings a lot more difficult and complicated, but it´s
good, I think. It´s really hard work doing everything I´ve got to do, but I´m
sure yáll already know that I love a challenge and that I like being busy more
than I like being bored, so it´s a good thing. I also really love it because I
get to be companions with sister Morales, who is already one of my best friends
in the mission. She arrived in the mission 2 weeks after me and we were in the
same district for my first cambio. We´ve always kept tabs in the mission, and
now we´re super companions. We teach really well together and more importantly
in the sense of our companionship, we have a lot of fun together. (Although I
will add that sometimes I worry that we have a bit too much fun. We often have
uncontrollable laughter attacks, and they usually hit just as we are beginning
to sing ëscuchad el son triunfal¨ at the beginning of a lesson... nobody really
understands why. haha). Anyway, she´s from Guatemala City. She lives in a
community that translates to mean Saint Nicholas´ forest, so I´ve been bugging
her about having infinite Christmas Spirit. Which reminds me:
For those of you who don´t know of what I speak, Christmas
Adam comes before Christmas Eve, and is therefore: today. Happy day. :) Other
than that, things are pretty normal here on the Honduran front. The 24 we have
to enter at 6 pm because Hondurans are so crazy (love them!) and the 25 is a
normal day. By the way, we´ll be calling from our bishop´s house, so I´ll be
calling at probably 2 or 3 my time, although we´ll be there at bishop+s house
from 1 pm and on until we´ve all (me and the other 3 hnas I live with) had the
chance to call. I know that´s a super huge time window, but I figure you´ll all
be in the house sleeping or watching movies, so we´re all good to go. I´ll be
calling from Google chat again (si Dios lo permite), so any of the sibs (or
other familiares) that want to participate are welcome (and expected haha) to
join. I hope to see and hear from you all. Mom and Dad, I got both of your
packages, and Eileen, I hope you won´t be upset that my companion and I opened
the package from you and we completely dominated that trail mix in one
companionship study... haha it was really tasty. I did really like the
decorated post card. :)
This week will be a completely crazy kind of week. Tomorrow
is Christmas Eve (which is to say, Christmas in the world of Honduras), so the
whole world will be going crazy. Christmas day everybody sleeps, so I doubt
anyone will talk to us as we wander aimlessly in the abandoned streets haha. I
think we´ll probably just wake up all the members with Christmas carols and bug
them to give us tamales. hahahahahahha. Life in Honduras. Thursday we´ve got a
Drs appointment to go to, Friday we´ll be in divisions (and it´s also Hna
Vance´s birhtdya... she´s one of my house-mates. We bought her a piñata of a
tomato. She misses vegetables almost as much as I do. We´re gonna wallop it
with a glittery stick. We´re thinking of filling it with carrots instead of
candy. It´s gonna be sweet). Anyway, as soon as we get back from Choloma (where
we´ll be in divisions) we have to start another day of divisions in San Pedro.
That will be crazy, but it´ll be fine. Anyway, life is crazy.
Eileen, That´s awesome about the temple. I tell everyone I
talk to that the very first thing I´m going to do when I get home is go to the
temple. I miss it so so much. More than my home-country, more than English,
more than Christmas. I absolutely can´t wait to enter into the Lord´s Holy
House again. I hope someday I´ll be able to work in the temple like you. :)
Love ya lots!
Andrea and Jim, That´s too bad that Nigil had to get his
appendix out, but I´ll be praying that he heals up nice and fast. Send some of
that cold weather down here, will ya? haha A Very Merry Christmas to you all.
:) Love yous!
Mom, The iguana is named ¨What.¨ Hna Joaquin named it
that... nobody really understands why. I don´t know if I¨ll be able to get more
of the black and white nativities, sorry. I´ll try, but they only make like 10
every year and I already bought the last 3 they made. I´ll try to do some
persuasion... I´ve got connections in Guamilito. haha. Taht´s cool about your
dr story. I liked it a lot, although I was slightly preocupada when you started
with ¨about three months ago I went to see my dr...¨´ haha. That´s cool,
though. Loves you!
Dad, Phone call from Honduras, eh? I think you weren´t just
talking to cualquier missionary... I think you were talking to sister Dester,
the mission president´s wife. She´s the only other person who works on nursing
stuff. She didn´t say anything about it to me, but that´s all I can imagine.
That´s cool though that she called you. She´s one of my very favorite people in
the world. We end up talking on the phone just about every night for nursing
stuff. Sounds like you had a fun Sunday and tell Matt I say Hhola. :) Love you!
I´ll talk to you all Christmas Day! (like 2 or 3 or 4
Lovesy doodles!
Hna Bayles
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